The following groups are entitled to NHS sight tests:
Anyone over the age of 60
Anyone under the age of 16 or under the age of 19 if they are in full time education
Those who receive Income Support
Those who receive Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
Those who receive Pension Credit or Tax Credits and is named on a valid NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
Those with glaucoma and diabetes
Those over age of 40 with a parent, brother, sister or child who has or had glaucoma
People entitled to NHS complex lens vouchers
Those named on a HC2 certificate

Open 6 Days a Week
Mon – Sat 9.00am-5.30pm, excluding bank holidays
In house laboratory
1 hour glazing & Repair services
Opthalmic Practice
Licensed designer frames
Trained Technicians
Repair Services
Repairs and Adjustments
Free adjustment services
One year manufacturer Unlimited laboratory
Meet Our Doctors

Abdul Riaz McOptom FBDO Bsc Hons
Senior Optometrist

Ammarah Riaz
McOptom Supervisor Optometrist

Ellie-Rose Billing
Optical Consultant

Corina Paun
Optical Consultant

Anna Manikina
Optical Assistant